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Essential Microbiology for Dentistry by Lakshman Samaranayake DSc(hc) DDS FRCPath FDSRCS(Ed) FDS RCPS FRACDS FHKCPath FCDSHK (Author)
- Comprehensive coverage of the subject area makes the book suitable for all aspects of the curriculum
- Almost 300 tables and illustrations present clinical, diagnostic and practical information in an easy-to-follow manner
- Contains ‘Key Facts’ boxes to act as useful aide-mémoires
- Self-assessment sections at the end of each chapter allow students to assess their understanding in key areas of knowledge
- Addresses the subject on a strictly ‘need-to-know for the dentist’ approach [e.g. only salient bacteria are included with thumbnail sketches of viruses and fungi]
- Contains a detailed – and now expanded – glossary and abbreviations list
- Contains the latest organism nomenclature and information regarding unculturable bacteria and novel molecular technology
- Includes a highly expanded section on oral biofilms and their relevance to systemic disease such as heart disease, diabetes, adverse pregnancy outcomes and nosocomial pneumonia
- Contains a brand new section on oral immunology – prepared by guest authors – as relevant to dentistry
- Contains a new section on the microbiology of perimplantitis
- Presents a fully revised and expanded section on infection control in dentistry encompassing British and American guidelines
AED 229.00 AED 229.00Principles and Practice of Surgery by O. James Garden CBE BSc MB ChB MD DSc(Hon) FRCS(Glas) FRCS(Ed) FRCP(Ed) FRSE FRACS(Hon) FRCSCan(Hon) FACS(Hon) FRCS(Hon) FCSHK(Hon) FRCSI(Hon) (Editor), Andrew W. Bradbury BSc MB ChB (Hons) MD MBA FEBVS (Hon) FRCS(Ed) (Editor), John L. R. Forsythe MD FRCS (Ed) FRCS(Eng) (Editor), Rowan W Parks MB BCh BAO MD FRCSI FRCS(Ed) FFST(Ed) (Editor)
- A three-section textbook of surgical principles and regional clinical surgery.
- Superbly presented with line drawings, high quality radiographic images and colour photographs.
- Presented in similar form to its sister textbook Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine.
- Full online text version as part of Student Consult
- The contents have been restructured into three sections – Principles of Perioperative care, Gastrointestinal Surgery, and Surgical Specialties.
- Two new chapters have rationalised and amalgamated information on the Metabolic response to injury and Ethics and pre-operative considerations to avoid repetition.
- Throughout the text has been altered to reflect changes in understanding, evidence and practice, and to keep the contents in line with undergraduate and postgraduate surgical curricula
- A substantial number of new illustrations have been added to give better consistency and improved image quality.
- The evidence-based revision boxes that focus on major international guidelines have been thoroughly updated.
AED 319.00 AED 319.00Wheater’s Basic Pathology: A Text, Atlas and Review of Histopathology by William Stewart BSc MBChB PhD DipFMS MRCPath (Author), Geraldine O’Dowd (Author)
THE NEW EDITION OF WHEATER’S BASIC HISTOPATHOLOGY! Wheater’s Basic Pathology is a pathology resource that offers a comprehensive introduction to the subject first by covering fundamental pathological processes and then addressing the common diseases encountered in systems pathology. Hundreds of high-quality images illustrate the essential features of pathology and make it easy to make definitive comparisons to your own lab samples, while concise captions enable you to quickly and easily understand key points. New online access via Student Consult further enhances your study of the material with additional valuable content including USMLE-style questions, and much more. Wheater’s Basic Pathology is an excellent companion resource for users of Wheater’s Functional Histology, Wheater’s Review of Histology & Basic Pathology, or Robbins and Cotran Pathology Flash Cards. Offers discussions of basic pathological processes as well as coverage of common diseases encountered in systems pathology for a complete review. Includes comprehensive updates, with relevant molecular pathology issues explained in the context of the clinical presentation, the treatment implications, and the underlying pathological processes Presents nearly 650 images of the highest quality that vividly and clearly illustrate the essential features of pathology and enable you to make definitive comparisons to your own lab views. Features concise text that distills basic and complex information into a coherent explanation to help you understand key points quickly and easily. Provides keys to the lettering in images at the bottom of each page, saving you time in reviewing figures. Serves as a companion text to Wheater’s Functional Histology, 5th Edition, offering a comparison of normal histology with the pathological changes in disease. Features a short review section at the end of each chapter covering the key point of the chapter in brief form for the perfect pairing of reference and review. Includes online access to Student Consult where you’ll find the complete text and illustrations from the book, fully searchable . and additional USMLE-style questions for self assessment Provides additional colored text boxes with clinical-pathological correlations that explain the relevance of the pathological processes underlying common diseases and their complications. FOR FACULTY Features online access to Evolve Resources including a high-resolution image bank with all the illustrations, figures and tables from the book, and a test bank.
AED 169.00 AED 169.00Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine: The Basis of Diagnosis and Treatment by Crispian Scully CBE (Author)
The new edition of this highly successful volume continues to offer readers with a systemized and objective approach to the practice of oral and maxillofacial medicine. Fully updated throughout with over 100 new photographs and artworks, Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine 3e presents a straightforward, easy-to-read guide to the successful diagnosis and treatment of the most common and potentially serious disorders seen in clinical practice. Maintaining a strong patient-centred approach throughout, the book also explores relevant systemic disorders and includes a reference section on eponymous and other conditions to ensure completion of the subject area. Full treatment options are given – including when to refer to medical, oncology or surgical colleagues – together with a comprehensive section on adverse drug reactions. Prepared by an author of international renown, this clearly written and beautifully illustrated book includes a wealth of anatomical artwork, treatment algorithms, clinical photographs, tables and ‘pull out’ boxes as well as sample ‘Patient Information Sheets’. Winner of the 2004 RSM/Society of Authors Book Award in the category of ‘New Authored Book’, and placed Highly Commended in the BMA Medical Book Awards 2009, this volume is ideal for senior dental students, dental practitioners and for trainees and practitioners in oral medicine, surgery, and pathology in particular. Allows the reader to adopt a systematic approach to history taking Explains how to examine patients and their oral lesions systematically to start formulating differential diagnoses Identifies which sites may be affected by the presenting condition and what to look for at the sites Explains when clinical investigations are indicated, which are appropriate, and how to perform them Shows the reader how to interpret the findings of routine clinical investigations and understand the potential implications for the patient Identifies relevant follow-up questions that may further clarify the findings of the clinical examination and refocus the history Explains how to recognise the scope of oral and maxillofacial diseases and the importance of their medical management in addition to the traditional dental focus of the discipline Shows the reader how to identify lesions and understand their potential implications for the patient Explains how to advise the patient about the aetiology of oral lesions and their predisposing factors Identifies a range of therapeutic options for the patient and emphasises the need for regular review and re-appraisal of the condition Provides an understanding of how treatment may impact, positively or negatively, upon the condition Identifies the need to refer for advice, investigations or treatment by dental, medical or surgical specialists Shows the reader how to recognise the importance of close liaison with colleagues in other disciplines, particular imaging, medicine, pathology and surgery Text now thoroughly clarified and updated, including revised Further Reading and websites Improved section on potential malignancies and cancer Provides additional information on the genetic influences of many conditions Contains an expanded section on therapeutics, including emergent therapies, as well as additional information on drug interactions and contraindications
AED 159.00 AED 159.00Essentials of Dental Radiography and Radiology 5th Edition by Eric Whaites MSc BDS(Hons) FDSRCS(Edin) FDSRCS(Eng) FRCR DDRRCR (Author), Nicholas Drage BDS(Hons) FDSRCS(Eng) FDSRCPS(Glas) DDRRCR (Author)
- Provides a comprehensive account of the radiology and radiography topics usually examined at undergraduate and postgraduate level
- Clear and accessible approach to the subject makes learning especially easy
- More than 1100 illustrations – many of them updated – present clinical, diagnostic and practical information in an accessible manner
- Contains recent classifications and advanced imaging modalities including cone beam CT imaging techniques
- An online, regularly updated, summary of the current UK ionising radiation legislation and guidance on good practice for all dental practitioners as well as a summary of the latest UK guidance in relation to the use of Cone Beam CT (CBCT) equipment
- An all new online self assessment questions and answers module. Questions have been specially prepared for each of the 32 chapters to enable students to assess their own knowledge and understanding as they prepare for examinations. These include a mixture of single best answer and multiple correct answer questions, drag and drop identification of radiological anatomy as well as new examples of various pathological conditions to enable practice of diagnostic skills.
- Includes a new chapter on cone beam technology and numerous examples of advanced imaging throughout the book
AED 179.00 AED 179.00