After you’ve ordered from a Vendor, you can leave reviews, feedback, and ratings to let other customers know about your experience.
You have 90 days from the date of your order to leave your rating and review.
Reviews you leave about a vendor should be focused on your buying experience:
- How satisfied were you with how your order was packaged and delivered? (for products)
- Did you get good customer service and prompt resolution? (if applicable)
- Would you buy from this third-party vendor again?
The rating system is 1 to 5 stars, with 5 stars being the best. A Vendor’s average rating will appear alongside their name on our site. Before you leave a critical rating, make sure that you’ve given the vendor every chance to resolve the issue first.
Qonooz reserves the right to remove reviews that isn’t directly related to the buying experience or violates one of our guidelines. If your review include any of the following, your review is subject to removal:
- Promotional content: This includes anything of a promotional nature such as comments about or links to other merchants or websites.
- Obscene or abusive language: Please use helpful and appropriate language when participating in the Qonooz Community.
- Personal information: You shouldn’t include information that is personally identifiable of yourself or a third party individual.
- Pricing: Feedback is regarding price of item or delivery cost.